14 Oct
  • By Emeka


Welcome to the E.E.F Volunteers that seeks to improve global health and education.

E.E.F volunteers build local capacity by providing education and giving support to the less privilege people in our communities with the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to have a better life in the communities. E.E.F volunteers are trained professionals willing to donate their time and expertise to work side-by-side with their communities.

Since 2015, E.E.F staff and volunteers have collaborated with a variety of institutions to design, develop and implement each E.E.F project, working toward E.E.F vision of putting smiles on the faces of the less privileged  through education, aid & relief, rehabilitation, and more.

Our goal at E.E.F is not only to support the less privilege people, but also to encourage and sustain current need provision so that they can continue to live a fulfilled live. Through professional collaboration and personal connection, E.E.F’s volunteers and supporters, along with the local schools work together to achieve the best education possible for those who cannot afford it.

All of us have a role to play in supporting the less privilege to get education and good life, volunteering our time and expertise as health care providers and supporting those who work to make a difference in the lives of others. By harnessing the power of a vital human resource – quality education and health care – we believe that it is possible to break the vicious cycle of poverty and illness endemic to communities.

We invite you to become part of us


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